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The heart of Maurivin research and development is based in our Global Technology Centre in Sydney, Australia. 


Our own scientists and oenologists are in the forefront of ‘New World wine styles’ innovation and we actively partner with leading wine institutes to identify and develop the products that our customers require.

Our teams of experts screen from our own large yeast strain bank and wine ingredients portfolios to identify our future specialist products which have the characteristics to deliver ‘true to style’ wine solutions. We recognise that there is a wealth of scientific talent outside our own organisation and so we actively work with wine technology researchers in many countries to come up with products of real value to our customers, often working hand-in-hand with those customers to validate the performance of those products. 

We know that the changes in consumer wine drinking trends require us to keep pushing for that next solution and we have and continue to be well supported in that aim by our key partners such as The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI), the University of Adelaide and many others.

Research Information

These Research Information sheets have been designed to help the winemaker make informed decisions about strain choice, as well as the amount and timing of nitrogen additions during fermentation.


To download PDF's, please click on a product.

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Research and Development